Ju-Roku Taiko Challenge, Week 2

Hey there!
In case you missed it, I’m posting a variation on last week’s basic ju-roku drill every Friday for 3 months. Join me in practicing, at a comfortable tempo with your metronome, 15 minutes a day, 7 days a week. I’ve found my time is limited for additional taiko practice, so I’m trying to make my practice precise and efficient.
Unfortunately, limited time means short blog posts, too. So, let’s jump right in and get started on week 2!

Line 1do ko X16 (this is the ju-roku, or 16 beat, base)

Line 2su ko do ko X8

Alternate the 2 lines!
Extension:If you’re starting with the right hand (I’m switching to left-hand lead after 5 minutes), try to notice that the left hand keeps a steady beat the whole time–it’s rhythm never changes. Rather than thinking of these lines as 2 separate rhythms, continue to hear “doko” in your head continuously, dropping out just the first beat for Line 2.

The video example!